December 22 2020

1.Take 6 Six Deep Breaths
When you are ready to nap, get comfy, and take six really deep, slow, breaths. If you can, breathe
in from the nose, and out through the mouth.
Nice, slow, easy. This triggers the relaxation
response which is the process of deescalating the stress response and inducing relaxation
through the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.
How to do it:
With one hand on the chest and the other on the belly, take a deep breath in through the nose,
ensuring the diaphragm (not the chest) inflates with enough air to create a stretch in the lungs
and breathe out through the mouth.
The goal: Six deep slow breaths..

2.Feel Your Aches and Tension
When we grow up we were told many times to be quiet, close our mouth, swallow in our
emotions and to tighten our jaws. We tighten our jaws when we feel stress or anxiety, it
becomes a habit to tighten our jaws, each time we feel emotions or an urge to share
How to do it:
Without moving, take a quick inventory of the aches and pains you feel, especially around the
face, the neck, your jaw, and your lower back. Then with eyes closed visualize each of the
muscles one at a time, relaxing and extending then releasing the stored tension.

3.Think of Warmth
By increasing the temperature of your skin—but not your core body temperature-just a little bit
can help you achieve deeper, more restful sleep and avoid waking up too early in the morning.
The reasoning behind the phenomenon is that skin warming has been shown to stimulate
areas in the brain that are involved in regulating sleep.
How to do it:
Imagine sending liquid warmth through those parts, such that the warmth pours over the
aches, and washes them down out of your body off the bed, and onto the floor.

4.Release your thoughts and worries
It’s not easy to take a good look in the mirror and acknowledge the years of reflexive thoughts
and actions that have spawned many of your worries. But if you don’t, you will never embrace
full and joyous living. However, it’s one thing to recognize them and quite another to try to rid
yourself of them. The world changes and has a certain level of unpredictability.
Reactions to
life’s real or perceived disruptions have become ingrained and reflexive. Now is the time to let
them go and sleep soundly.
How to do it:
Say to every bothersome thought that comes into your head, ‘I can’t fix you right now. I’ll get
back to you later." Everything that comes up is not meant to be solved right now. Your brain’s
just trying to get rid of them. Even reminders. ‘I’ll remember you when I wake up." Let them all

5.Assure yourself you will wake up on time
Remember, our internal clocks have adapted to the 24-hour time cycle, so thinking of your
wake up time in terms of physical, man made clocks will be helpful. Your conscious anticipation
will be guiding your subconscious. We’re not sure how the brain monitors the passage of time,
but it does.
How to do it:
Before you sleep, actively visualize the time of awakening. Think about when you want to wake
up, and how. Get creative. Imagine yourself waking up and looking at the clock, which - in your
imagination - will be set to the correct time. It’s all about implanting that time in your mind..

6.Visualize a relaxing space
Visualization has proven helpful in developing the appropriate brain wave patterns to achieve
restful sleep. The more you practice these techniques and build them into a ritual, the better
your opportunity for repeatable success. Just like Speed Sleep it is about increasing the speed
at which you achieve those deep levels of sleep. The speed at which you get to sleep after
practicing these improves as you practice.
How to do it:
Close your eyes and imagine you're walking across a big open field, the warm sun is shining
down, a gentle breeze, or, you’re in a hammock, up off the ground, wrapped in a cocoon of
comfort, swaying gently in the open air. The warmth of the sun on your face, and there’s a
breeze blowing you back and forth.

By listening to Speed Sleep repeatedly you will quickly:
Achieve deep sleep within minutes
Awaken refreshed, even during the day, from a 25 minute Speed Sleep nap
Discover new sources of physical energy and mental sharpness
Minimize the effects of jet lag when traveling