December 17 2020
6 Unhealthy Sleep Signs that you might have

1.You get up with a morning headache
Morning headaches (not hangovers) are most likely tension headaches. The explanation is often your sleep position. You may be using too many pillows, for example, which can strain your neck muscles.
Another cause is teeth clenching, a form of bruxism. This happens when your jaws are pressed tightly together for hours at a time, the muscle tension radiates upward and outward inside your head, leading to tension headaches that are concentrated at the top or sides of your head.

2.You are a cover thief
Talk about annoying. How about a partner who hogs the cover or kicks you in their sleep? Sound familiar? What is you knew your bed mate couldn't help it? The culprit could be an involuntary problem called Periodic Limb Movement (PLMD). People with PLMD move around throughout the night. They kick, wiggle, throw out their arms, and then end up feeling tired and irritable during the day because they haven't slept well. PLMD is similar and related to Restless Leg Syndrome.
The difference is that most people with Restless Leg Syndrome feel a restless sensation in their legs and a compulsion to move them while still awake. PMLD is more likely to occur after you fall asleep, and without you being aware. PMLD can be a side effect of medications, such as antihistamines, antidepressants, and antipsychotics, and it can also become more common with age.

3.Forget trying to sleep on your back
If sleeping on your back is difficult or if when you go to sleep on your back you always seem to wake on your side, there might be an underlying cause. When you lye on your back, a number of physiological changes occur that can interfere with breathing.
Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) is a term used to describe a large number of physical issues that cause congestion or resistance in your nose and throat, inhibiting breathing during sleep. Women over 40 are most likely to develop UARS. Researches in France studied women with insomnia and poor sleep and found that almost half of them had breathing disruptions in the upper airways.

4.You feel cold going to sleep and wake up feeling hot
Extremely cold feet and hands are a sign of Raynaud's syndrome, a circulation disorder in which the blood vessels narrow and prevent blood flow in the hands, feet and sometimes the nose.
For women, temperature changes while you sleep can be one of the earliest signals that you are entering menopause. This is the period leading up to menopause when your hormonal fluctuations go out of control. Studies show that women may have hot flashes, night sweats and wake up on average four to five times a night.
Other health issues can affect the body's temperature regulating thermostat. People who are hypothyroid (low thyroid) tend to be cold all the time, because their metabolism is functioning at a low ebb, while those that are hyperthyroid or have Graves' disease (a type of hyperthyroidism) may feel hot because their metabolism is in overdrive.

5.You can't stay asleep the entire night
Not being able to sleep solidly through the night indicates that something's waking you up.
The trick is that you have to figure out what 's causing the interference. The most common
cause is simply a full bladder. As we get older (or, for women, after having children), our
bladders become more sensitive and unable to "hold it’ without sending out distress signals.
Many people, particularly in the early stages, wake up just halfway multiple times before they
feel a definitive urge to use the bathroom. Others attempt to ignore the feeling only to not
sleep well until they get up and go.

6.You snore like a freight train
If you snore it is more than a major annoyance to your bed partner. Much research has been
done on snoring and it shows that loud snoring is directly linked with stroke and
cardiovascular disease, both as a cause and as a result. Several large studies have found that
people who snore loudly are at much higher risk of stroke and heart attack than the rest of the general population.
Ultrasounds reveal that people who snore have a much higher incidence of thickening in the
walls of the carotid arteries, the two large arteries that deliver oxygen-enriched blood to the
brain. When the walls of these arteries thicken, it's a precursor to atherosclerosis or hardening
of the arteries, which signals the beginning of cardiovascular disease.

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